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Friday, January 21, 2011

What is the Passover? Yearly practices (part 1 – the cup of sanctification)

“We have long forgotten the ritual by which the house of our life was erected. But when it is under assault and enemy bombs are already taking their toll, what enervated, perverse antiquities do they not lay bare in the foundations.”

Walter Benjamin 

Rituals can be boring and repeated too often become overfamiliar!

That’s why we should pay attention to the symbolism within them, since this makes them new again and builds us up! 

Within the Christian world there is no Passover ritual any longer, since the new covenant takes it’s place with our remembering Jesus' last supper in its place, but the Jewish people still celebrate the Passover much the same way it was celebrated when Jesus was alive.
 Jesus was celebrating that old ritual feast at his last supper!

The significance of this feast is that it was the one Jesus took part in before he died

Jesus chose Passover to be the one feast to be used commemorate his death.

It’s a pity that so few of us know anything about it! 

I hope to give you a touch of understanding of this great occasion by explaining what happens, the symbols used (and there are many) and how it relates to God’s promises for us. 

The Passover starts out at sundown as the candles are lit by the women of the house. In the ancient temple, this was the time of lighting the Menorah or seven branched oil lamp. We know that revelations points out this symbolises the seven spirits of God
(Rev4:5 In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.)

This simple act by the mother of the house should flood our hearts and minds with an understanding that God represents himself as light. Jesus called himself the light of the world (
John 9:5), and even says those that believe he is the son of God are also light through him (John 1:9). In ancient memory, this light would be the light that appeared up over the tabernacle leading the people as darkness filled the desert and hundreds of thousands of people watched God represent himself in that supernatural light.

One simple action by a mother during a passover ceremony provides a deep remembrance evoked by those who know these things! Praise be to God!

Often the mother will say something like “You are blessed, our lord and our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has kept us in Life and preserved us and enabled us to reach this season.”

Okay, so what is next? Well, true to our God’s planning, he wants us to pour some wine (some people use grape juice) and the leader of the ceremony reminds everyone that this is something called the cup of Sanctification.

He would say something like “This cup reminds us that we too must come out from them who are in the world and be separated unto God.”

For the Hebrew people this reminds them that they were to be the nation chosen by God to carry the great news of God to the world. Today, for us Christians, it is both this and the fact that we as people are chosen to stand apart from the world by our love, compassion and service of others in Jesus name!


Come out from them

and be separate,

says the Lord.

Touch no unclean thing,

and I will receive you.” 


   “I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters,

says the Lord Almighty
.” From 2 Corinthians 6:17-18(NIV)
and this references old testament texts (
Isaiah 52:11; Ezekiel 20:34,4; 2 Samuel 7:14; 7:8)

There are four cups of wine that are to be consumed during the feast, but this is the first! 

To be different is the call of this cup!

Every day we get involved in activity that brings us money and supports ourselves and our families. Some of us have the privilege of helping improve the world in a small practical way while we do this. It is hard to keep our minds right and not stoop to the easy ways of cheating others, going for the less ethical way but more profitable way, and in general making sure we are not being selfish, nasty, ignorant or stupid about what we are doing.

But that’s what this cup calls us to ask ourselves? Are we being true to the God of the Universe in our dealings and activities. Jesus died to make a way for us to do this.

At the Passover a blessing is given over the cup.

God is blessed as ruler of the universe, for choosing Israel and given her the festivals of which this is one, for the way God led the people out of Egypt, and for a season of joy.

Then the people drink the first cup of wine!

Directly after this hands and lips are washed without any blessing symbolizing cleaning of our lives by cleaning up our actions and words!

Then a vegetable, probably parsley, is used by dipping it in salt water before it is eaten.

In ancient times people remembered that hyssop was used to place the Passover blood on the doorposts before the Israelites left Egypt. The salt water reminds us of the tears of the slaves in Egypt before they escaped passing through the red sea (salty again).

To us today it reminds us God is the giver of all things green that we eat, that it is with sadness that we consider what the world did to Jesus, and it also reminds us of Jesus who after being asked who would betray him, dips his bread into a bowl saying “It is one of the Twelve,” he replied, “one who dips bread into the bowl with me.”

How gracious of Jesus!
He was about to die a horrible death, he even knew who would betray him, and instead of pointing out his accuser he answers truthfully, but in such a way as to protect his betrayers identity!

Could we have done that? I don’t really think I have that strength of character (although I would like to believe with God’s help I could get there!)

How about considering if you would have been able to do this?

Isn’t it amazing how the Passover practice pulls at our emotions and mind in strange unexpected ways? 

God knows we need to enjoy life responsibly!

That’s why Jesus made sure a feast was the last activity he took part in before he was taken prisoner. He expects us to enjoy our day, but remember we are sanctified (set apart) from the evil things around us!

That’s my goal today, to enjoy life in a responsible manner! What about you?
Fri, January 21, 2011 | link          Comments

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is the Passover? That ancient festival process!

The LORD’s Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. Leviticus 23:5 (NIV) 

Jewish communities and some Christian communities commemorate an ancient event by observing this festival, but perhaps differently to the way they did in ancient times.

In ancient times this was the instruction in Exodus 3:3-16. Today I want to take a look at this instruction and perhaps draw some analogies to how we can use these ancient rituals to rejuvenate our lives and give us some more meaning in our walk with God.
It starts:

“Speak to the whole community of Israel. Tell them that on the tenth day of this month each man must get a lamb from his flock. A lamb should be chosen for each family and home.”

God’s people had to find a lamb from their flock, not an adult sheep, but a lamb, a year old born! It was found on the tenth day and was chosen by the family, for the family. This meant that the family would know which small, woolly, little creature was selected, and would have a few days to observe and grow attached to this creature.

God’s love is free for everyone, but it is not without cost to the giver of the lamb. Like the family of the chosen lamb would have had great difficulty killing the object they had cared for and taking the innocent life, so God when he allowed Jesus to be killed for our human race, hurt, and had emotional pain as the horrible deed was done on that cross about two thousand years ago and about one thousand five hundred years after this ceremony was started!

The ancient instructions continue:

Suppose there are not enough people in your family to eat a whole lamb. Then you must share some of it with your nearest neighbor. You must add up the total number of people there are. You must decide how much lamb is needed for each person.

God makes sure that there is enough for everyone! Notice that if people were too poor to have a lamb, then their neighbour was to provide them with the option to share in the ritual.
God does not waste and makes sure that the lamb dies for a purpose. Every part of the lamb was dedicated to the purpose, and to fully meet the purpose, the families had to share with neighbours. The lamb was to be consumed by everyone. 

God’s son Jesus died for everyone! We are not to hold his love to ourselves, but are to share it with others, so that they to can take part in this great festival of life!

The animals you choose must be males that are a year old. They must not have any flaws. You may choose either sheep or goats. Take care of them until the 14th day of the month.

Flawless! This speaks to being without blemish or in the modern terms without sin! Jesus was without selfish, ignorant, stupid and nasty attributes. He was generous, wise, pure, loving, and compassionate. Jesus was without flaw! The sheep or goat represented Jesus’ purity by being without any flaw.

Note that to know this, the family had to inspect every part of the lamb. God does not expect us to accept Jesus blindly! He expects us to investigate and fully understand this amazing man who was also God!

Then the whole community of Israel must kill them when the sun goes down.

The lambs are slaughtered at the end of the day. Jesus died on that cross around 3-o-clock in the afternoon. He was put there by the Israelite community at the time, who set a criminal free and instead called to have Jesus killed. Humanity was represented in this action. We killed God’s son who was innocent!

Then the part from which the festival gets its name:

Take some of the blood. Put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where you eat the lambs.

The blood is central to life and agreements of the day. When a promise was made people swore on the blood of an animal to do what they promised or end up the same way. Everyone would have understood this, like we understand our signature of today. It was proof that the agreement was in place and being honoured.

That same night eat the meat cooked over the fire. Also eat bitter plants. And eat bread that is made without yeast.

Jesus at the last supper ate Passover meat and bread, pointing out he was the substitute for this.
Mark 14:22

“While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.”

We are meant to fully understand what Jesus did. Not water it down and treat it as we would bland food. No, we are to subject our beliefs to the full fire of emotions that come to the surface as we understand what we as the human race did to God’s son!

Do not eat the meat raw or boiled in water. Instead, cook it over the fire. Cook the head, legs and inside parts. Do not leave any of it until morning. If some is left over until morning, burn it.

Nothing is left after the lamb dies and is consumed. Jesus’ work is finished at the cross.

Eat the meat while your coat is tucked into your belt. Put your sandals on your feet. Take your walking stick in your hand. Eat the food quickly. It is the Lord's Passover.

The purpose of the Passover was to get the Israelites moving. The purpose of Jesus’ death is to get us changed and moving in God’s will! God doesn’t want us wasting time. Our lives are too short when compared to eternity, we have a purpose and things to do!

That same night I will pass through Egypt. I will strike down every oldest son. I will also kill all of the male animals that were born first to their mothers. And I will judge all of the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord.

God will not allow those who fail to take part in his chosen ritual to go unpunished. If we reject Jesus, we automatically select the consequences!

The blood on your houses will be a sign for you. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. No deadly plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

Jesus’ blood, sacrificed on the cross is a sign to us! The curse of eternal death passes over us when we accept Jesus blood as the sacrifice for the selfish, ignorant, nasty and stupid things we have done!

Always remember this day. For all time to come, you and your children after you must celebrate this day as a feast in honor of the Lord. It is a law that will last forever.

It is still remembered today! As I write this blog I am honouring that part of the command, as you read it, you too are honouring this command!

Eat bread made without yeast for seven days. On the first day remove the yeast from your homes. For the next seven days, anyone who eats anything that has yeast in it must be cut off from Israel.

We should be without sin! We need to re-apply the blood of Jesus continually to be sure. We do this by telling God we are sorry for what we have done and accepting Jesus’ sacrifice as sufficient to clean these things away.

On the first and seventh days, come together for a special service. Do not work at all on those days. All you are allowed to do is prepare food for everyone to eat.”

Nothing we do can help Jesus in his task! He does it all, all we are to do is accept this and love him in return. He wants us to be happy and joyful.

That’s a great way to start into this day, isn’t it!
Thu, January 20, 2011 | link          Comments

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hey, let’s give others a break! Relax, just enjoy the “day”!

My response to Russell Grigg's article entitled

 How long were the days of Genesis 1? What did God intend us to understand from the words He used?
by Russell Grigg

Yesterday, I was commenting on how both Christians and scientific people fight and argue over translations.

My main point was, the true meaning Jesus came to make sure we understood is summed up in the words between him and a lawyer(luke 10:26-28) and is supported everywhere in the bible;

“What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

Then, today into my inbox comes a very strongly worded article by Russell Grigg discussing the meaning of yôm, the word for day, that was used in the Genesis creation discussion.

It is well written, and in summary says other words could have been chosen to say "days of old", and they were not used. He says the context makes it unambiguous and that it means twenty four hour periods! 

What he does not say is that

  # the Jews at the time of Jesus were waiting for the Messiah, and thought they were in the sixth day,
  # that Genesis two shows creation of man starting on or before the third day(before plants) and Genesis one says man was created on the sixth day, and  
  # that there is a plethora of physical evidence that speaks truth and seems to say the days were periods, and also
  # that the bible says

“Romans 1:20

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

So nature reflects God's qualities, one of which is truth. So we should be able to get truth from his created objects if we honestly look for it, right? 

  # He does not explain how Genesis 1:1 is to be interpreted, while science does (see my blogs form the past Those “days” of creation! & The first “day” of creation! )
  # He does not point out or explain that there was no 24 hour period on this first day since there was no sun!
  # He does not mention that the words "Day of the Lord" which we commonly take to mean a a period of time, also use "yom"!

In other words, he gives half the facts and then motivates he is right!

Sorry but I am unconvinced Russell!
(but I do believe God created Laughing )

Then Russell gives his intent in some points:


“1. The meaning of any part of the Bible must be decided in terms of the intention of the author”

I agree with this, and I also think only the author knows the meaning, we do our best to get at that understanding and must bear in mind that Genesis was written to explain to a bunch of escaped slaves how God was involved in their lives, not how he created. Remember they never even questioned that God created! To them in that day this was an assumed fact!

Russells statement that “clearly” God has the “intention that the creation days should be regarded as being normal earth-rotation days”. This shows failure to understand that nobody can be clear about understanding God’s intention. We can only surmise we understand as humans! Right?

His second point is “2. Children have no problem in understanding the meaning of Genesis.”  Which is a stupid point! (sorry Russell !!!) Children also believe in the tooth fairy, and Santa Claus, and many other simple things. This is a foolish argument for an academic! Let me point out God didn’t write only to children in Genesis either!

Russells third point is “3. The Bible is God’s message to mankind and as such it makes authoritative statements about reality. If one removes any portion of the Bible from the realm of reality, God may still be communicating truth to us, but the reader can never be sure that he understands it as the author intended.”

I agree that God makes authoritative statements about reality, but would hardly be arrogant enough to believe I know exactly what they are. You see, I am a sinner and as such much understand Paul’s comment in 1 Corinthians 13:12

“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

I understand we can never really understand everything fully. Even our understanding of God is limited! (Mirrors were polished bronze plates, or a basin of water in those days. They distorted the image!).

What we need to do is look at facts and try and love people! I want to get to God’s meaning for our current situation right now, not to do battle with people who are close minded, look at part of the facts, or refuse to hear others out adequately.

Now we get to Russell’s final point, the one wich which I think he is perhaps having the most problem…

“4. If the ‘days’ really weren’t ordinary days, then God could be open to the charge of having seriously misled His people for thousands of years.”

Well Russell, the people of ancient times thought the earth was flat and the bible makes statements in that regard as well. Has God mislead his people?

Then the church at one time said the bible stated the earth was the center of the universe with the sun and stars going around it! Was that God misleading people?


It is when we state things are facts, when they are not, that we get into trouble!

We need to give others room to be inquisitive, and love them even if they don’t always get everything right, because if we are honest we don’t know we get them right either.

I have a lot of trouble with either saying that "the 24 hour is the 'day'" is the only correct answer or alternatively saying that "the 'day' is not 24 hours". Both are feasible!

The preponderance of physical evidence says the day wasn’t 24 hours, as does the beliefs of early Christians and Jews, but I think Jesus would simply answer this question by telling a parable…maybe something like this…

In the beginning the potter took out some clay to make a cooking pot, he looked at the clay, rolled it around and placed it on his wheel, he formed a beautiful pot and then put it out to dry in the sun. The rain came and destroyed the pot, and this saddened him so he took it in and put himself into the task of restoring and reformed it, making it better than before! This time he subjected it to firing in a kiln, stressing its structure and in this way moulding it into a new much more robust shape that the rain could not damage.

The family who had wanted the pot came to collect it and started to argue! Some in the family were upset having wanted a sun dried pot, others preferred to have a fired pot. They all got so angry they almost knocked the pot over.  The potter simply stood there waiting for them to realize the pot could serve all their needs!”

Well everyone, know this,
I love you all with the love of our great Lord!

Let's try and not break the pot!

Have a great day!
Wed, January 19, 2011 | link          Comments

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lost in translation?

The best thing on translation was said by Cervantes: translation is the other side of a tapestry.
Leonardo Sciascia

 Why care? So often, we simply are not interested in these rather stuffy and seemingly offbeat skills.

Who cares about whether somebody got the exact meaning of a word from another language for us!
 Surely it’s the meaning that matters? Right? 

Okay, let’s first look about caring!
Let’s realise we often translate the meaning of another’s words incorrectly. In personal relationships as well as in ancient language interpretations!

For example huge arguments between Christians and the scientific geological, biological and paleontological groups are tied up in the interpretation of the word “day” in the first chapter of genesis!

What does this achieve?

Can I suggest polarization, non-Christian emotional responses, and a failure to love each other?

What did Jesus teach was primary rule of life? Loving God and loving our neighbours as ourselves!

So how does this translation argument achieve true meaning?

When it allows love into the process! Not to pick a side, but to give space where difference are not crystal clear! In listening to alternative arguments, in appreciating the person and their thoughts, even if we differ with the content!

That’s the Christian way!

Okay, so that’s one instance, give another I hear some saying!

No, I could, but I’m not going to!

Simply because it is not as important as knowing how to deal with meaning!

I see people bashing other people verbally for no good reason every day regarding falures to extract true meaning.

Just yesterday my publisher and I were having a difference of opinion and I must say I got mildly upset.

Here is the situation, the sales person took money from me for a December marketing release of my book “Rift in Evil” (a lot of money), but failed to tell me it would not get into the December marketing program. 

The company didn’t get anything of consequence done before Christmas, and only on my insistence at getting a mailing out, did a mailing with poor wording(despite falsely indicating that they would let me check the wording) on the 21st of December.

Then, they also told me my chosen and paid for world wide catalogue distribution would only be occuring in May.

When I suggested that I had been lied to by the sales person, the lady politely corrected me suggesting it was merely a mis-communication!

At that point my blood boiled and I asked to speak to the sales person's manager, which fortunately did not occur at that specific point in time (yes, I also screw up at times!!!)


Perhaps it was a mis-communication, but I have the original conversation recorded so I checked, and found the original words pointed out I would get a catalogue distribution early in January!

However, what I do have to remember now is that meaning and words spoken are not the same thing! I have to research to find out what was the mind set of the person who said the words.

Unfortunately for him, the marketing person pointed out to me that the sales person had been told that the catalogue would only be out in May, so his conveying to me January is unlikely to have been a mis-communication, but rather a direct mis-representation of truth while knowing his words were untrue.

So I now know a little of the real meaning of those words! I have translated the words, but not yet got the meaning!

The translation of the words don't make me happy!

I find it hard to love a person who has swindled me of thousands of dollars, and now I have to remember Jesus' words "love your enemies". That's hard! (who said being a Christian is easy!) 

More than that, I need to look to ways to help this young man not to make similar mistakes with others in the future, for his own good!

Prayer for him by me will increase this week
, and I know by the end of this week he will be another person I love, but who has hurt me!

Through my prayers I will hope he will potentially be able to connect with Jesus better in the future! 

The prayers have already changed me and already I know this...

God pointed out to me the sales person would only do this if he was insecure and unable to perfom adequately in the life context he put himself. He must see a need to lie to build himself up!

So, now I can pray about that, and I can ask God to help him get more secure and better conextually grounded in the situation where he can fulfill his purpose in life. I also will ask God to give me even more clarity in the situation regarding God's will for the situation (not mine).

The meaning of the sales persons words took a while to get through to me! God had a purpose in me going through that rather unpleasent encounter!

I guess I am slow and needed to work at things before I understood them. The underlying reasons for words are not always easy to get at, are they?

The underlying purpose is even more evasive!

To really understand we need to place ourselves in the shoes of the one communicating!
This is really important to understanding the words, right?

This is also key to us understanding how to hear people with whom we are having a difference of opinion!

Today, this is the  positive gain I want to get from this consideration...

To translate from another language, or even to get meaning from the words a person speaking to us provide, takes similar skills.

The words symbolise meanings, and the meanings are not always easy to convey. Getting the meaning means working at understanding the person, and people don't always make that easy!

Isn’t it interesting how often Jesus of the bible, in answer to a question, tells a story? 

How does this provide an answer? 

Perhaps by establishing the emotional links that re-enforce the meaning?

Next time we get in situation where translation is difficult, lets remember to try and get at the purpose and meaning of the words. Remember that we cannot really get pure meaning and it's the process that is important!

Perhaps to explain things to others a short story provides a redirection of emotion that enables clarity to prevail in an otherwise tumultuous situation!

Most of all, in translation differences, let us hear the other person out, loving the person even if we don’t agree with the content!

There are not to many cases where it’s a life or death situation for meaning to be precise and there is never a situation where communication is perfect!

Is there?
Tue, January 18, 2011 | link          Comments

Monday, January 17, 2011

What is the “Passover”? The background story!
Forced into slavery, subservient slaves were unable to set themselves free! A man and his brother, persuadedby God to provide a show of supernatural power, decimated one of the most powerful nations on Earth at the time providing the slaves their freedom!

Sound’s like a movie that Steven Spielberg could really do something with, doesn’t it?

Actually, it’s history, and this biblical history is even more contorted and weird than this…

It all started when Abraham (who’s birth name was Abram) is promised by God he will have plenty descendants, and they would occupy some land. That was the “Covenant”, between the Hebrew people and God, that was setup just over 4000years ago! 

During a time of famine, the Hebrew family moved to Egypt where one of their members was a powerful man. After hundreds of years the Egyptian Pharaohs’ changed (perhaps from a group known as the Hyksos who were Canaanite in origin, to the original more pure bread Egyptians who hated the Hyksos), and the Hebrew Canaanites were placed into slavery under these Egyptians.

The Hebrews still produced too many children and their numbers needed to be limited by the Egyptians.

Rather like the one child policy of China now, a nastier “kill all the male children” decree was sent out to the Hebrew midwives saying every newborn boy had to be thrown into the Nile. Pharaoh wanted them drowned!

Needless to say, human nature prevailed and one women decided to save her son by avoiding the midwives and putting him into a waterproofed basket in reeds of the Nile river.

This was real clever move because the Egyptian gods were linked into the Nile and particularly the reeds in the Nile. In fact, one of the “heavenly” places they believed they went to after death was a place that had a huge landscape of reeds that the pharaoh would navigate through.

Now this women was even more devious, because she put him where the princess came to wash and stationed his sister there to watch.

To cut a long story short (read Exodus for the details), he was adopted into Pharaohs household and his own mother was called to be his wet-nurse! [It’s also assumed but not proved that his adopted mother became Pharaoh, and was probably a Pharaoh called Hatshepsut].

So he got super education from Egyptian nobility and religious instruction and cultural instruction from his Hebrew mother[called Jochebed]. 

God prepared him for his future role in life! 

Later in anger he killed an Egyptian who was hitting a Hebrew.

Then he had to run!

It’s quite probable that Hatshepsut had died and the new Pharaoh, the legitimate heir, her son Thutmose III didn’t really like Moses, because he tried to kill him!

Moses then runs into the desert and stays there for many years learning to be a shepherd (which was the lowest of low jobs in Egyptian estimation).

Having learned humility, he meets God in the form of a burning bush that refuses to be consumed by the fire. Out of this weird bush, God speaks and tells him to go and get the Hebrews out of Egypt. He takes his brother Aaron with him.

In Exodus 4, it explains how they went back to the Pharaoh, now probably a new guy on the throne! Maybe a guy called Amenhotep II and this new Pharaoh doesn’t kill him, but grants him audience and seems to even be amused by Moses initially. The demand is preposterous and so Pharaoh rejects it!

Then comes a series of blights and curses on the Egyptians which get successively worse. All of them are nasty and most actually reflect God’s humour because he provided them with an excess and distortion of what they considered their gods. For example, they were know to have appreciation for frogs, so at one point he overruns the land with a plague of them.

The last plague is the one where every first born in Egypt dies! Not only of the families, but of their livestock as well!

To make sure the Hebrews (who were in Egypt) were exempt, God gives them instructions on how to prepare a meal of a lamb, and when they kill it, to put some of it’s blood over the entrances to their homes.

So every Hebrew family that believed Moses, was saved! Having been saved in this way, and the Egyptians having been reduced to a heart sore, pathetic group of emotionally traumatised people, the big change occurs.

The Egyptians give them gold, silver and livestock and tell them to get out their country! The Hebrews take off, and are almost gone when the Egyptian Pharaoh comes to his senses and sends his army to get them back.

Well it doesn’t go well with his army and the Hebrews actually leave! (there’s a future blog there).

Now how does this link to Passover?

Well, to today, the Jewish people remember this event and have a ritualistic feast that commemorates this. It’s in the middle of the first month of the Jewish year (that’s around March or April in the commonly used western calendar).

Why is this background important to me as a Christian?

Well, they say that the lamb that was killed to keep the Hebrews safe, so they didn’t have to pay the price for being in Egypt at the time, is a symbol of Jesus.

Jesus died and his blood is spilt, and pays the price to keep us from having to take the punishment of our living in evil times and doing evil things!

(Hey, if you feel you have NEVER done anything wrong, I guess you maY need help because, if we are honest, we have have to admit that we done things of which we are not proud at one time or another, right?)

Jesus is our Passover lamb. That’s why the feast they setup is so interesting!  But we will need to discuss that in another blog.

It’s time to get going with our daily activities isn’t it? Have a good one!
Mon, January 17, 2011 | link          Comments

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This suspense thriller centers on Kiara, a beautiful young woman pursued by a murderous group of people, who relentlessly and ruthlessly hunt her and her sisters. Kiara has no idea why she is being targeted! When Kiara and her family turn to the law for help, this fails. Her pursuers’ powers reach deeply into the political and law enforcement world. Family support for her dwindles when they too have to flee her pursuers. Can Kiara escape the clutches of both the law and dishonest big business? With the media broadcasting that Kiara and friends are dangerous and subversive, can Kiara clear her name and bring her pursuers to justice?



To purchase Kiara's Pursuer ebook  @ $1.99

            kindle version click here,

To contact the author contact Author@KenXBriggs.com


 RiftInEvil.gifThe town of Zinaville is dropped into a spiral of evil causing a young man and a beautiful but abused woman to launch into an investigation that unveils an evil conspiracy.

A horrific mining accident results in Joshua Robyn's father being killed. Joshua struggles both with himself and his townsfolk as he tries to make sense of an incomprehensible situation. Is it an accident or a murder? Why is there a seeming link to evil? Why is his work environment suddenly threatening? What is the conspiracy about and what are they trying to do? As action moves dramatically from exotic African grasslands to the heart of North America's cities, the plot unfolds and the pace quickens. Will there be time? Why is a beautiful abused young woman in the center of this plot?

Evil tendrils tighten on their lives and the interplay between the visible and invisible world shows opposing forces at work.

Will there be a rift in evil?

Will they be able to stop the evil in time?



Click here to order Rift in Evil (ebook or Paper available)
  • Published: September, 2010
  • Format: Perfect Bound Softcover(B/W)
  • Pages: 208
  • Size: 6x9
  • ISBN: 9781450250894 

Available from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, iUniverse. Chapters

you can email me at Author@KenXBriggs.com
Frugal Eating Advice
Good advice for students living on limited $'s. Click on the image!

 May you be blessed today!

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